
Sunday Schedule
Welcome to our Bible Study!
We often see the world through the filter of life experience and transitions. Feasting on the Word engages us in an exploration of biblical texts. We believe Christian faith is enhanced when the Scriptures read and proclaimed in worship are reinforced through discussion and dialogue.
2024 Westminster John Knox Press

Bible Study 9:30 a.m.
Lower Community Hall
Discussion Leader: Scarlett Pierson

in the Sanctuary
Starting at 10:30 a.m.
Worship in the Sanctuary is open to all ages! Dress code is comfortable, shorts, jeans, come as you are.
As you enter the church foyer, worship booklets are located on the Welcome Table.
You may be seated on the main level and listen for Pastor Lauren’s warm greeting, followed by bell chimes and bringing in the light.
We are intentional about the language we use to describe the Creator and our siblings in faith.
Holy Communion
You are Invited!
We celebrate Holy Communion each week during worship.
During worship, Pastor Lauren will share an Invitation to the Table and all may participate in the Sacrament of Communion. As the congregation shares in the hymn, ‘Everyone Born’, Pastor Lauren will serve communion from the front of the sanctuary.
Both red wine and white grape juice are provided and gluten-free bread is available in a separate serving tray. Those with mobility issues may be served in their seats by raising their hand.
If you are not able to attend Sunday Worship and would like to receive Holy Communion, please reach out with a request.

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